Thursday 15 March 2012



Firstly let me apologise for the hideous name. It seems that all Ubuntu related names have been taken on Blogger, so I'm officially "UK Games Ubuntu". Great. Thanks.

So, what is this?
This is my collection of reviews, interviews, news and not-news about all things gaming and ubuntu related. Well, not all things, just the good things.

To set the tone I'd like to share with you my vision.

I like games. Games are fun. And I like computers. Computers are great.

I think the natural home for games on computers are consoles, but everyone is writing about those these days, aren't they? Yeah.

So sometimes I play games on computers. That's nice. Computer games are nice.

I used to have a Mac, you know. I like it. It was good. It broke. I broke it.
Macs are expensive, so I got myself a sturdy little laptop to watch telly on and check facebook, and look at porn. But it had windows on it. I don't understand windows. I don't really like it either.


So I had this laptop that was struggling with an old copy of Windows and I thought, you know what, why not give Linux a try? My friend Ross uses it, so if I get horribly confused I can phone him and he can help me out.

I had a look around and by far the least demanding/confusing flavour of Linux seemed to be Ubuntu. So I set up my laptop with that.

At first I faffed about with it to make it look like a Mac, but that seemed disingenuous, so I decided to try to be true to the whole Ubuntu experience.

I've been using Ubuntu for a bit over a year now and I'm happy with my lot. It's relatively stable, most things get finished eventually (like the ability to change the volume while watching full screen video and not having the whole thing freeze up on you). Yeah, Linux is alright. Ubuntu is alright. I like it. It's nice.


But I want games. Fun games. Games that cool kids play. Alright, games that cool dorks play. I'm a bit of a dork, but I like to think I'm a cool one.

So yes, games... games... games...

That's where this blog comes in. I'm going to explore the world of gaming in Ubuntu and I'm going to be brutally honest about it. Brutal I tell you.

I'm not a mean man, so when things are good I'll celebrate them, and encourage you to celebrate them too, but when things are bad, I think it's worth pointing out. Because if games aren't fun, what are they? Together we will explore the heights of gaming ecstasy and the lows of not knowing what to do with a command line prompt.

Come with me now, as we begin... ukgubuntu.
Yeah. I need to fix that name.

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